
I’ve been doing a bit of tidying up during Christmas day and New Year day. Today, I started to put aside some of my church materials and University notes to be discarded. And it’s at this point in time that I realized, I am not going to be a:

  • Youth Worker or Church Staff
  • Sociologist or Historian
  • Biologist or Ecologist or Evolutionary Biologist or Naturalist
  • Urban Planner or Architect

I had kept the relevant notes from school, because I had harbored hope that if I had the knowledge in these fields, perhaps one day I could switch to one of these careers.

It is with some enlightenment and sigh of relief when I packed away these things, certain that these were not the paths for me.

Back then, I would have never guessed I would walk the path of an educational researcher. I would have never guessed I would be interested in Education.

I also noticed the common thread among those disciplines that caught my interest – what captured me was “structure”. The reason why I liked taxonomy, urban planning, and architecture was because I was fascinated by structure. I like things that had a fixed pattern to them. They were very beautiful to me.

*sigh* This year I’m going to be 30. And I guess, what I have helped myself to do this past 29 years was to eliminate those jobs mentioned above. I can be a hobbyist, to enjoy the fruits of those disciplines, but no, I will not pursue those as my career. Life has led me to be an educator, and though I scratch my head and wonder how can someone like me become an educator, I will embrace this path of life, until I receive further direction from above about where this path leads.